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Stop Dripping Tap

Stop Dripping Tap

Dripping taps are a common occurrence across many homes in the UK everyday. Not only do dripping taps waste water, and water bills keep going up!, but they are also a source of frustration and noise nuisance. Over time, they can even lead to limescale drip stains.

In this guide we will cover the most common causes of dripping taps and how to fix it. First thing’s first though please only attempt to remedy a dripping tap if you are competent, know what to do should something go wrong and have the right tools.

Damaged Washers

Taps have washers in them located within the housing assembly of each handle. These can deteriorate over time preventing a tight seal when you turn your tap off – in turn the ‘gap’ in the seal allows some water to pass through causing the drip.

Changing the washers for new should resolve the problem.

In order to change the washers you will need to:

  • turn the water supply to your taps off and drain out the water inside of the pipework
  • remove any decorative pieces on the handle to find the screw
  • remove the screw and pull the handle out
  • unscrew and remove the stem and the washer should be sitting below this
  • change the washer and reassemble in reverse order

Damaged Seat

Another common cause of dripping taps is a damaged seat. The washers in your tap may be fine, but when you turn your tap off and the washer clamps down onto the surface below it – the surface may no longer be flat causing gaps between the surface and the washer allowing water to pass through.

This is usually caused by limescale build-up. Depending on the severity of the fault you may be able to ‘reseat’ your tap and for this you will need a specialist reseating tool.

In order to reseat your tap you will need to:

  • turn the water supply to your taps off and drain out the water inside of the pipework
  • remove any decorative pieces on the handle to find the screw
  • remove the screw and pull the handle out
  • unscrew and remove the stem and remove the washer
  • clear any loose debris and use the reseating tool to grind a new flat surface
  • reassemble in reverse order

Damaged Cartridge

If your taps have cartridges then build-up of limescale, and wear and tear, could have damaged them. Cartridges come in many shapes and sizes so it is imperative that an exact like-for-like is used.

In order to change the cartridges you will need to :

  • turn the water supply to your taps off and drain out the water inside of the pipework
  • remove any decorative pieces on the handle to find the screw
  • remove the screw and pull the handle out
  • remove the cartridge
  • replace the cartridge and reassemble in reverse order

If you have a dripping/leaking tap and need assistance, book a plumber today with Anderson James and support a local business!